A real estate agent once told me that "the inspection industry has a lot of people in it who have sold shoes for twenty years, took a two week course, and call themselves inspectors...you really need to have a thorough understanding of building construction and how it functions."
[you also need a knowledge of applicable municiple codes, current product recalls, best practice standards, counterfeit products, manufacturers roles, and all building methods and components used over the last century." - GF].
I have a Seasoned Perspective:
I. Construction Experience:
II. Inspection Specific
Training and Qualifications:
- PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP: Previous ASHI and current INACHI membership with annual re-certification. INACHI is The National Association of Certified Home Inspectors . Its technical resources include thousands of pages of articles, forums, and technical inspection information on any imaginable inspection topic. INACHI and other professional inspection resources keep me current on new issues related to your inspection needs.
- ACCOUNTABILITY: INACHI compliant inspections and reporting according to their Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice. See www.nachi.org. I must complete at least 24 hours of continuing education credits each year, plus pass an annual comprehensive inspectors exam.
- EXAMS: National Home Inspectors Exam; INACHI Home Inspectors Exam; continuing education module exams, FEMA disaster inspection certification modules and exams.
Benefits to you:
To inquire further
or to schedule an inspection call
Greg at